Hi, I'm Rafael
A passionate Frontend / Fullstack web developer and UI/UX enthusiast specialized in building stunning pixel-perfect interactive websites/applications.
Reach outAbout
Hello there! I'm Rafael, a Frontend / Fullstack web developer. I wake up in the morning, grab a cup of coffee, turn on my computer and build things that live on the web all day, everyday.
People who know me say I'm obsessed, that's fair, I am very driven and love learning new things.
Passionate about technology and a fast learner, I excel as a Full-Stack Web Developer. With a love for all things digital, I embrace the evolving tech landscape.
- JavaScript (ES6+)
- CSS / TailwindCSS
- ReactJS
- NextJS
- NodeJS
Featured Project
Mobile first, responsive portfolio website crafted with ReactJS, NextJS, TypeScript and TailWindCSS. Strong focus on user experience, adapts to different screen sizes and devices.
Tech stack
- React
- NextJS
- TailwindCSS
Project type
Sep 2023 - present
In my portfolio, you'll discover a collection of mobile-first, responsive websites that I've skillfully crafted using an array of cutting-edge technologies. From HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to Tailwind CSS, React, Firebase, Vite, Webpack, and more, I leverage a diverse toolset to build dynamic and visually captivating web experiences.
React Notes
Responsive Web APP made with Firebase, (Firestore) ReactJS, Vite, CSS
React Notes is a Web APP for your Todos! Using BaaS, you can delete, edit and manage your notes wherever you are.
ReactJS Web APP. Responsive, beautiful design and new features to come!
Roll until all dice are the same!
WebsiteCountries Wiki
Countries Wiki
ReactJS, CSS, TailWindCSS, NextJS, SPA application
Pulling data from REST countries API and displaying the data!
WebsiteWeather APP
Weather APP
Made with Vanilla JavaScript, CSS and HTML.
Simple Weather APP that fetches data from API.
WebsiteLibrary APP
Library APP
Library APP made with Vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
Library APP that stores books that you wish to read or have already read.
WebsiteMemory Card APP
Memory Card APP
Made with ReactJS, CSS, Vite.
Memory Card game themed with my favorite Anime, Dragon Ball!.
WebsiteGet In Contact
Whether you are starting a project, have business inquiries or just want to say hi, my inbox is always open so feel free to reach out and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
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